Maintaining happiness in married life is becoming a challenge with time. Often, one partner’s high expectations and the other’s lack of time lead to tension in the relationship. But to keep the relationship sweet and balanced 2-2-2 rule Adopting can be an effective solution. This rule helps in bringing newness and happiness in every relationship, whether newly married couples or living married life for a long time.
Let us know how you can improve your married life by adopting this rule.
1. Go on a date every 2 weeks
Take some time out from your busy schedule and go on a date with your partner every two weeks. Be it dinner, lunch, or a movie date, this is a simple way to increase intimacy in your relationship. These small moments spent together help in removing misunderstandings and strengthening the relationship.
2. Go for a weekend trip every 2 months
Plan a weekend every two months and go to some quiet place around the city. This two-day break will free you from stress and everyday worries. During this time, time spent with each other will bring warmth in the relationship and mutual understanding will increase.
3. Take a one week break every 2 years
Plan a week every two years in which both of you take out time only for each other. Keep aside the worries related to career, family and children and focus on your relationship. During this time, understand your partner’s likes and dislikes and try to know each other better. This will bring a feeling of newness and love in your relationship.
Tips to strengthen relationships
- Give time to your partner and understand his feelings.
- Celebrate small joys and plan surprises.
- Communicate openly and resolve any issues in a timely manner.