The pain of stones can be understood only by the one who has experienced it. It is so intense and unbearable that it becomes difficult to tolerate even a single minute. Nowadays, kidney stones have become a common problem, and there are many reasons behind it, one of which is wrong eating habits and lifestyle. If you want to avoid kidney stones, it is important to pay attention to your diet along with drinking adequate amount of water throughout the day. Here we are giving information about some vegetables which can increase the risk of kidney stones. If you already have kidney stone problems, it would be better to stay away from these vegetables.

1. Spinach

Spinach is beneficial for health, but excess of it can cause harm. Spinach contains high amounts of oxalate, which can cause kidney stone formation. If you already have kidney stone problems or do not want to take any risk in future, then consume spinach in limited quantities.

2. Brinjal

Delicious eggplant contains antioxidants, fiber and vitamins, but its high oxalate content may increase the risk of kidney stones. Brinjal seeds are also high in oxalate, so if you are already suffering from kidney stones, limit your intake.

3. Tomato

Tomatoes, which are found in almost every vegetable, also contain high amounts of oxalate. Eating raw tomatoes in particular can increase the risk of kidney stones.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber and cucumber included in salad are beneficial for health, but excessive consumption of them can be harmful. Their seeds contain high amounts of oxalate, which can increase the chances of kidney stones.

5. Potato and soybean

According to the National Kidney Foundation, vegetables like potatoes and soybeans can also lead to kidney stones due to their high oxalate content. If you consume them regularly, it can be harmful for your kidneys. People already suffering from kidney stone problem should avoid them.

By limiting your intake of these vegetables, you can reduce the risk of kidney stones. Maintain balance in your diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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