A tragic accident took place in Siddipet district of Telangana, where five youth lost their lives after drowning in a dam while taking selfies. Two of these youths were real brothers. According to the information, seven youths from Hyderabad had gone to Kondapochamma Sagar Dam of Markur Mandal. Police said that they were taking selfies after entering the dam water, when they started drowning.
Two youths were saved, while five died. Those who drowned have been identified as Dhanush (20), Lohit (17), Dineshwar (17), Jatin (17) and Srinivas (17). Dhanush and Lohit were real brothers. The bodies have been sent for post-mortem, and were fished out with the help of divers. The names of the youths who were rescued safely are Komari Mrigank and Mohammad Ibrahim.
This is not the first case; Last year in August, three students had lost their lives while taking selfies in Varanasi. They were taking selfies while on a boat, when a girl slipped and fell into the Ganga. While trying to save him, two boys also jumped into the river and lost their lives.