Basti, January 11: In a shocking incident, a young woman named Gyan Laxmi narrowly escaped death after being attacked by her neighbour, Shyam Charan Chauhan, with an axe in Basti, Uttar Pradesh. The neighbour was in love with the girl and attacked her and her family with an axe after the girl refused to marry him. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media.

He was reportedly obsessed with her in a one-sided love affair and became enraged when she rejected the marriage proposal, he was further angered on hearing that Laxmi was getting married to someone else.

Warning: Disturbing Visuals. Viewer’s Discretion Advised.

Details About The Incident

The incident took place in Bharu village which falls under the Kaptaan Ganj Police Station area. Shyam had proposed to Gyan Laxmi earlier, but she firmly turned him down, saying she considered him like a brother. She even used to tie a rakhi on his wrist during Raksha Bandhan.

However, Shyam couldn’t accept the rejection and became angry, especially after hearing about Gyan Laxmi’s upcoming marriage. He began plotting revenge and decided to harm her.

On Friday (January 10) afternoon, Shyam arrived at Gyan Laxmi’s house with an axe. He attacked her suddenly, but she managed to escape and lock herself in a room. When her two sisters and mother tried to stop him, he attacked them as well, leaving them injured.

The incident caused chaos in the house, with family members screaming for help. A video of the attack, recorded on a mobile phone, has gone viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that the clothes of the accused are torn in the attack. The women are seen trying to defend themselves by snatching the axe from his hands. The accused is seen attacking the family members in a fit of rage. He is also not bothered if he is attacking a woman in anger.

Police Action

The police acted quickly and arrested Shyam Charan Chauhan. A case has been registered against the accused and an investigation is ongoing. Further action will be taken based on the findings from the investigation.

The violent incident has left the locals in shock and raised concerns about the dangers of unchecked obsession and violence.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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