Lucknow: A video has been getting traction on social media platforms of a chaos ensued in a mall in Uttar Pradesh’s Jhansi as a monkey loosely ran around and later attacked a woman customer and snatched her shoe. A video that has gone viral shows the money running amok inside a store at the City Car Mall while storekeepers are trying to capture it using a blanket.

The monkey jumped on the woman’s head and sat there for a while as she crouched in fear. Some tried to lure the animal with a banana while some advised the woman to stand up, but that didn’t help.

The video was uploaded by the UP local news agency, India Voice, on their X (formerly Twitter) page (@indiavoicenews). The news agency explained the video in caption that reads “ब्रेकिंग झांसी मॉल में बंदर ने मचाया उत्पात एक युवती को जमकर किया परेशान चीखती नजर आई युवती,वीडियो हुआ वायरल”

The caption translates to- ‘Breaking Jhansi A monkey created havoc in the mall and attacked young girl. The girl was seen screaming, the video is going viral’. The user has tagged the official account of Jhansi police in the caption.

Monkey enters shopping mall in Jhansi

Monkey enters shopping mall in Jhansi | X/ Screengrab

The monkey soon jumped towards a cloth rack only to jump at the woman again. It repeatedly attacked the woman amid attempts to take it away from her. When it was separated, it snatched her shoe and kept nibbling on it.

Others tried to restrain the monkey by throwing a blanket on it, but it evaded the trap every time. A second round of chase ensued as the monkey ran across the store, at times sitting on the clothes stand, making his way through the different product sections.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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