Mumbai: The CBI has launched an investigation into a case wherein the Bank of Baroda account of a man currently residing in the United States was fraudulently converted into a joint account with the accused person, a Kalbadevi resident, without his consent. Later, this account was fraudulently transferred to a branch in Zaveri Bazaar and then Badlapur and Nandanvan, Nagpur, through an allegedly forged application.

About The Case

The CBI sources claimed that Rs 37.50 lakh was fraudulently withdrawn from this account through cheques issued to the accused from the Nandanvan branch from August 2023 to February 2024.

The CBI had conducted a preliminary enquiry in November last year and examined the original account holder (a resident of California since 2000) over video conferencing. His claim that he had not visited India since October 2019 was proved from the passport details provided through WhatsApp.

The complainant was the account holder at Siyaganj branch, Bank of Baroda, Indore. This account was opened as an individual account in 1987. Since then, regular deposits and withdrawals were made in the account until 2019. However, from 2020 to January 2023 only deposits were made into the account.

On August 8, 2023, this account was converted without consent into a joint account with the accused person. It was also found that the complainant does not know the accused and denied having any relation with him. The CBI had also examined a senior bank official at Zaveri Bazaar, who stated that for transferring and converting the individual account into a joint account both the account holders must be present in the branch.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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