Famous Bollywood director Karan Johar, who is counted among the big names in the industry, is often in the headlines. Karan has given many new faces to the industry, but he has always been accused of promoting nepotism. Karan Johar, who launched stars like Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, and Sidharth Malhotra, has once again become a topic of discussion on social media.

Karan Johar’s Nepo Baby T-shirt becomes center of discussion

Recently, a video of Karan Johar is going viral on social media, in which he was seen wearing a special kind of T-shirt. This white long T-shirt has ‘Napo Baby’ written in big letters on it. Malaika Arora and Shahrukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan are also seen with him in the video. Karan is wearing black track pants with this T-shirt.

Karan Johar became the target of trolls on social media

After this video surfaced, Karan Johar is being trolled fiercely on social media. This video was shared on Instagram on a page named viralbhayani, where users reacted sharply to it.

  • One user wrote, “Karan Johar is running the biggest nepotism racket in the industry.”
  • Another took a dig and called him “Karan Joker”.
  • Some trolls also commented on Karan’s weight. One wrote, “Karan Johar looks like he is coming from a famine affected area.”
  • Whereas the other one said, “A man with rosy cheeks.”

People also talked about Karan’s thinness and his looks.

Nepotism allegations and Karan Johar’s journey

Karan Johar is often considered a symbol of promoting nepotism. He has launched many star kids in the industry, due to which this debate has gained further momentum. However, Karan has also given clarification on this many times.

Karan Johar started his career as an assistant director with the film ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’. After this he made many big and successful films under the banner of Dharma Productions. Karan’s father Yash Johar was the founder of Dharma Productions and was counted among the big names of Bollywood. Karan has worked with almost all the big stars in the industry and has established himself as a successful director, producer and talk show host.

Karan and nepotism debate

Karan Johar’s name is often associated with nepotism. Especially since Kangana Ranaut called him the “flag bearer of nepotism”, the issue gained even more prominence. People are seeing his wearing of ‘Napo Baby’ T-shirt as a sarcasm on this issue.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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