A video of Madhya Pradesh Police’s female DIG, Savita Sohane, is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this video, she is seen giving tips to school students to have ‘vigorous’ children. In the video, Savita Sohane, who is the DIG of Shahdol, is telling the students about the right time and measures for pregnancy.

What did the DIG say?

The viral video is said to be from October 4, 2023, when DIG Savita Sohane delivered a lecture in an awareness program for class 10th to 12th students in a private school. In the video he can be heard saying:
“If you want to bring a new generation to Earth, you have to plan for it. Keep in mind not to conceive on a full moon night. Offer water to the Sun God and pray to him to have a ‘vigorous’ child.”

Objective of the program and cleanliness of DIG

Clarifying her statement, DIG Savita Sohane said that it was part of a program called ‘Main Hoon Abhimanyu’. The objective of the program was to increase awareness about the safety of girls and encourage a sense of respect for them. He also clarified that his statement was based on Hindu scriptures and spiritual teachings.

Savita Sohane said:
“I am fond of reading scriptures and listening to the discourses of saints. My statement was inspired by spiritual knowledge and experience. I advised that one should avoid pregnancy on the full moon night, as it is considered a sacred period in Hinduism.”

He further said that the video has been taken out of context and made viral. His lecture was about an hour long, but only select excerpts were shared.

Educational and professional experience of DIG

Savita Sohane said that before joining the police service, she had been a lecturer in a government inter college in Sagar district for four years. He believes that it is not only important to make children aware about safety, but it is also important to create a sense of respect for women and girls in the society.

‘Poornima’s advice at the center of controversy

Savita Sohane’s advice to avoid pregnancy on full moon night has sparked debate on social media. While some people are considering it a question mark on scientific grounds, others are calling it a part of religious and cultural education.

criticism and support

  • Criticism: Many people are raising questions that a senior police officer should talk about crime prevention and security topics instead of discussing such issues among students.
  • Support: At the same time, some people are seeing it in a positive light by connecting it with the teachings of Indian culture and scriptures.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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