Mumbai: On Friday, the Additional municipal commissioner Dr. Ashwini Joshi directed civic officials to coordinate and expedite the demolition of encroachments, with a deadline set for the end of March. She warned that any delays or obstruction in the process would result in strict disciplinary action.

Joshi held a review meeting at the BMC headquarters on Friday evening to assess the progress of action taken against illegal constructions in the city. The meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner (Encroachment Removal) Vinayak Vispute, Mridula Ande, and other officials. She instructed the officials to create a timeline for preventive action and ensure adequate resources are allocated for demolition operations.

“A proactive campaign against illegal constructions should be carried out from January to March. The required manpower from the zonal deputy police commissioners and police stations must be promptly made available to assist in the removal of illegal structures across areas,” said Joshi.

She further emphasised, “Under Section 152(A) of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, a penalty of 200% property tax applies to unauthorised constructions. While carrying out demolition actions, penalty notices must be issued, and proceedings for levying fines should be initiated.” During a review of legal cases related to unauthorised constructions, Joshi also directed the appointment of legal experts to present the BMC’s case more effectively in court.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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