The last two years have been very special for actress Riddhi Dogra. She performed brilliantly as Kaveri Amma in Shahrukh Khan’s film “Jawaan”, while she also performed as Emraan Hashmi’s wife in Salman Khan’s film “Tiger”. Recently in an interview, Riddhi shared a funny incident of his first meeting with Salman Khan.
First meeting with Salman Khan
Riddhi said, “I wanted to meet him, so I went up and I said, ‘Hello, I’m that dead body,’ and he laughed out loud.” Along with this, he also described Salman Khan as a punctual and professional person. In the film “Tiger 3”, Riddhi played the role of Emraan Hashmi’s wife, who is shot by Salman’s character. This small role of his was greatly appreciated by the audience.
Experience with Shahrukh Khan
In the interview, Riddhi also shared his experiences of working with Shahrukh Khan. She said that while playing the character of Kaveri Amma in the film “Jawaan”, Shahrukh was very polite and helpful on the sets. He was always ready to help his co-stars.
Career beginnings and upcoming projects
Riddhi Dogra started her career with the TV show “Radha Ki Betiyaan Kuch Kar Dikhaengi”. After this he also worked in the serial “Maryada”. She proved her acting prowess in many web series and films, including “Asur” and “The Married Woman”. Riddhi is going to be seen in many big projects in the coming time.