recently Ram Kapoor In an interview, he spoke openly on many issues, including his popular show ‘looks very good‘Kissing scene was also included. But his comment was made by his producer Ekta Kapoor It was not liked by , who gave an indirect reaction on social media.

Ram Kapoor’s statement

Ram said in an interview to Siddharth Kanan that the kissing scene was planned by Ekta Kapoor. He told, “Ekta wrote that scene and asked us to shoot it. I asked him, ‘Are you sure?’ This has never happened before on TV. Ekta said with confidence that we have to do this scene.” Ram further said that he told his co-star Sakshi Tanwar She had also talked to Ekta about this and assured her that if she had any problem, she would handle it with unity.

Ekta Kapoor’s reaction

After this interview of Ram, Ekta Kapoor made a post on her Instagram story, in which she called Ram an “unprofessional actor” without taking his name. He wrote, “Unprofessional actors who are giving interviews about my show should keep quiet! Misinformation and fabricated stories. This can go on until I speak. But there is respect in silence.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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