Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A suspicious drone was found in the Bhopal Central Jail by the jail authorities and the matter was handed over to the police, the officials said here on Wednesday.

The jail authorities rushed to the jail premises as one of the jail warders found a drone near the high security cell, near the temple where new barracks are under construction.

Jail superintendent Rakesh said that at around 3.30 pm on Wednesday, jail warder Sonwar Chorasia spotted the drone. He took the drone and handed it over to his seniors. The jail staff tried to check the gadget. Prima facie, the drone is said to be ‘Made in China’ but the specifications of the gadget is untraceable.

The authorities were checking if the drone was having a camera or not and who was operating it. Later, it was handed over to the Gandhinagar police for investigations.

Dreaded Criminals kept in Anda Cell

In the Central Jail, around 70 members of SIMI, HuT, PFI, and other antinational organisations are kept in a high security cell known as Anda Cell. Their safety and security is a big task for the jail authorities and the new development of drones in the jail has raised the eyebrows of the department.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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