Many actors in Bollywood like Rajpal Yadav and Aamir Khan are trolled for their short height. But there are some actors who, despite their height being less than these, have proven their acting prowess. If you have skill in the world of acting, success is certain. Let us know about some such artists.
Arun Kushwaha
The first place in the list is Arun Kushwaha, who has appeared in many films with Karthik Aryan. Earlier he used to run a channel on YouTube with the name “Chhote Mian”, but later he started getting work in events, shows and films. His performance in Luka Chuppi and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has been praiseworthy.
MM Farooqui
Actor MM Faruqui, famous as Lilliput, played an important role in the web series ‘Mirzapur’. Apart from this, he has also appeared in many films and TV shows. Farooqui has been active in the cinema world for many decades and despite his short height, has been winning the hearts of the audience with his skills.
Jyoti Amge
Jyoti Amge’s name is recorded in the Guinness Book as the youngest girl. Since childhood, his dream was to work in films and TV shows, which was fulfilled with time. Jyoti has been a part of Bigg Boss 6 and has also appeared in some American TV shows. A documentary has also been made on his life.
KK Goswami
Children of 80’s and 90’s will remember the face of KK Goswami very well. He worked in many Doordarshan shows and was a great entertainer despite his short height. However, in some TV shows, he opened up about how his children are made fun of because of him, which hurts him a lot.
These artists have proved that height is just a number; The real thing is skill and hard work.