The Railway Protection Force (RPF) at Nashik Road Railway Station played a crucial role in apprehending a rape suspect. Acting on a tip-off from the Arnala Police Station, RPF Senior Inspector Harphool Singh Yadav and his team successfully located and detained the suspect, Abhishek Suryanarayan Mandal (21), who was travelling on the Pawan Express.

SI Yadav informed that the suspect Mandal was wanted in connection with a rape case registered at the Arnala Police Station on Jan 4. He had allegedly lured a woman to Kalamb beach and subsequently raped her. Following the incident, Mandal had absconded.

The Arnala police, tracking Mandal’s mobile phone location, discovered he was aboard the Pawan Express. This information was promptly relayed to the RPF at Nashik Road, who were provided with a photograph of the suspect.

Upon the train’s arrival, the RPF conducted a thorough search and apprehended Mandal in a compartment near the engine. After preliminary questioning and confession, Mandal was handed over to the Arnala police who had arrived at the station to take him into custody.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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