A new good news has come for Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal. This celebrity couple has bought a wonderful luxury apartment in Juhu, a posh area of ​​Mumbai, which is worth Rs 44.52 crore. The property is located on the seventh floor of an under-contract building and was purchased by them as their dream home after the birth of their daughter Lara.

This beautiful apartment is spread over a spacious carpet area of ​​5,112 sq. ft. which also includes four car parking spaces. It is being told that the per square foot price of this property is more than Rs 87,000. According to Times of India, this property was registered on December 3, for which Varun Dhawan paid stamp duty of Rs 2.67 crore.

Juhu is one of the most posh areas of Mumbai, and Varun and Natasha have bought this new house keeping in mind their luxury lifestyle and future plans.

Recently Varun Dhawan was seen in his film Baby John, which was produced by director Atlee. There were huge expectations from this film, but due to Allu Arjun’s Pushpa, this film was not successful at the box office. In future, Varun will be seen in Sunny Sanskari’s films like Tulsi Kumari, Hai Jawaani To Ishq Hona Hai, Bhediya 2 and Border 2, from which his fans have high expectations.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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