A case of theft has come to light in the Mumbai house of veteran Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon. The thief went on a rampage after stealing a diamond necklace, cash and US dollars from the cupboard of the actress’s house. However, it is a matter of relief that the police has arrested the accused in this case.

arrest of thief

Mumbai’s Khar police has recovered about Rs 10 lakh. 1 lakh diamond necklace, Rs. A man has been arrested for allegedly stealing 35,000 cash and some US dollars. According to media reports, painting work was going on in Poonam’s house. From December 28 to January 5, this thief was doing painting work in this flat. Meanwhile, the accused took advantage of the opportunity to see the cupboard open and stole valuables from there.

The accused spent the stolen money in a party

Actress Poonam mostly lives in Juhu. His son Anmol lives in a house located in Khar. The actress would occasionally stay at her son’s house. It is learned that the accused spent some of the cash stolen from Poonam’s house in the party. When Poonam’s son Anmol returned from Dubai, he found some things missing. Anmol immediately complained to the police and came to know that Ansari had committed theft in the house.


The accused has confessed to the crime

In this case, Khar Police Station told the media, ‘Mumbai Police has arrested 37-year-old painter Sameer Ansari for stealing a diamond necklace, Rs 35,000 in cash and US dollars from actress Poonam Dhillon’s house in Khar. Ansari, who had come for painting work, had stolen valuables from an open cupboard and had even confessed to the crime during police interrogation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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