Fans are eagerly waiting for South Star Ram Charan’s film ‘Game Changer’. This is the first big film of this year. Kiara Advani will also be seen with Ram Charan in the film. The pre-release event of ‘Game Changer’ was held in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan also participated in it. Many fans arrived to attend the event. However, the incident took a very unfortunate turn. Two fans died in an accident while returning from the event.
two people died
The deceased fans have been identified as 23-year-old Aarav Manikant and 22-year-old Thokada Charan. Both the fans were returning home on bike after attending the pre-release event of ‘Game Changer’. His bike collided with a van, due to which he lost his life. Rangapeta police has registered a case in this matter. Actor Ram Charan has expressed grief over the death of a fan in a road accident. He expressed grief over the death of both and expressed his condolences to their families.
Ram Charan-filmmaker helped
As soon as the news of the death of fans in the accident was received, Ram Charan’s team reached to meet their families and support them. The actor has also announced financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh each to both the families to help them in these difficult times. The film’s producer Dil Raju has also announced financial assistance for the two people killed in the accident.
Pawan Kalyan also came to help
He assured the families of both the boys Rs 5 lakh each and every kind of help. Paying tribute to the deceased, Dil Raju said, ‘I just learned that 2 fans died after returning from the Game Changer event. Ram Charan and I insisted on this program and demanded to organize it. I pray that the souls of both of them rest in peace. We will stand with both the families and support them. I am immediately sending Rs 5 lakh to each family and assure that we will stand with them.
Apart from Ram Charan and Dil Raju, Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan has also promised financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to the affected families. Earlier in December 2024, a female fan had lost her life due to a stampede at the pre-release event of Allu Arjun’s film ‘Pushpa 2’. Due to this, Allu Arjun got into legal trouble. It is noteworthy that the film ‘Game Changer’ is being released in theaters on January 10.