Griha Laxmi is a crime thriller series featuring Hina Khan, Chunky Pandey, Rahul Dev, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya, among others. The series is set to premiere on OTT in January 2025.

When and where to watch Griha Laxmi?

The upcoming series is set to release on January 16, 2025, on EPIC ON. Actress Hina Khan shared the trailer of the series on X and wrote, “In the narrow lanes of Betalgadh, Laxmi’s life takes a shocking turn. From a simple housewife to the queen of the city’s drug world – her journey will leave you stunned. Get ready for a story filled with power, betrayal, and danger. Streaming on 16th January only on EPIC ON.” The series explores themes of resilience, survival, betrayal, and more.


The plot of the series centres around Laxmi, a simple housewife living in the fictional town of Betalgadh. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she discovers that the police are chasing the drugs she is hiding. Struggling to support her family amid financial difficulties, she decides to sell marijuana. What will happen when she enters the dangerous and male-dominated world of drug trafficking, a field for which she is completely unprepared?

Cast and production of Griha Laxmi

The cast of the series includes Hina Khan as Lakmi, Chunkyy Pandey as Kareem Kazi, Dibyendu Bhattacharya as Vikram, Harish as Surya, Abhishek Verma as Hmant, Manish Raisinghan as Milan, and Rahul Dev, among others. It is directed by Rumaan Kidwai. Umag Beena Saxena has written the series with Ajaydeep Singh. Kaushik Izardar has produced the series.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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