Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun visited the minor who was injured in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case at the hospital where he is undergoing treatment in Hyderabad on Tuesday. The minor, who is battling for his life since a month now, is the son of the woman who was trampled to her death during the stampede.
On Tuesday morning, Allu Arjun was seen visiting the hospital in Hyderabad where the minor has been admitted. He was accompanied by his team and guards, and several police personnel were present at the spot as well.
The actor’s visit to the hospital came a month after the stampede incident outside Sandhya Theatre. It was on December 5 when the minor, along with his late mother, and other members of the family, visited the theatre for the special premiere of Pushpa 2, but tragedy struck when the crowd went berserk on the arrival of the superstar.
Allu Arjun was booked and was later arrested on December 13 in the stampede case, and after being granted interim bail, he was allowed to walk out of the jail on December 14. However, due to the legal prcoceedings, he was prohibited from meeting the victim and the bereaved family. On January 3, he was finally granted bail.
“I remain deeply concerned about young Sri Tej, who is under constant medical care after the unfortunate incident. Due to the ongoing legal proceedings, I have been advised not to visit him and his family at this time My prayers remain with them and I remain committed to taking responsibility for addressing the medical and family needs. I wish him a speedy recovery, and I look forward to meeting him and his family at the earliest,” the actor had earlier said.
Post the incident, Allu Arjun had promised to cover all the medical expenses of the minor and make sure to help him with the best medical facilities.