A G pay transaction of Rs 24 helped Government Railway Police (GRP) identify the accused who killed the GRP constable attached to Panvel GRP on the wee hours of January 1. The deceased identified as Police Constable Vijay Chavan (42) has been found to have been killed as a result of a plot that his wife Puja Chavan had made along with her illicit lover who is also her cousin and his friends. The main accused, as per the police, is Bhushan Nimba Brahmane (29) with whom the wife of deceased was in a relationship, and friends of Brahmane identified as Prakash alias Dhiraj Gulab Chavan (23) and Pravin Aaba Panpatil (21) were involved in the crime.

“In the investigation, we found that on the night of December 31st, Prakash Chavan drugged Vijay Chavan with alcohol, as per their plan. Afterward, Brahmane with the help of his two aides, strangulated the deceased. To make his death appear as a railway accident, they pushed his body in front of a moving local train,” Deputy commissioner of police (GRP) Manoj Patil said.

Chavan’s wife, Puja, had been having an extramarital affair with Brahmane, said police. She wanted allegedly to eliminate her husband to be with Brahmane.

On the morning of December 31st, Prakash called Vijay to arrange a party for New Year. Later that evening, the deceased and the accused partied in a car and the deceased also bought bhurji paav from a stall and made the payment via Gpay. That was the last gpay transaction that he had made. Police traced the stall and a cctv footage of the area and found the men who were along with the deceased. Accordingly, the police traced the accused and nabbed them.

The police learnt that after the strangulation inside the car, the accused took the body to bushes near tracks between Rabale and Ghansoli stations on the Trans-Harbour route. They hid there for around four hours, until the first local train arrived. As the train approached, they pushed Chavan’s body onto the tracks, attempting to make it appear as though it was an accidental death caused by the train. However, the train’s motorman noticed the body in time and stopped the train, notifying railway control.

“All four accused have been arrested and are in police custody,” DCP Patil said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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