The Shantinagar Police have booked a suspect for allegedly creating a fake Instagram account of a 26-year-old woman and uploading obscene photos and videos to defame her. The incident took place between December 21, 2024, and January 3, 2025. The suspect has been identified as Haseeb Shaikh, 29, a resident of Pune. According to the police, the accused and the victim were about to get married, but the victim later discovered that he was already married. She subsequently rejected his marriage proposal.
The victim approached the police station after discovering that obscene photos and videos were being uploaded on Instagram. She narrated the entire incident to the police. A case has been registered against the suspect under sections 75(2), 77, and 356(2) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, as well as the relevant sections 66(D), 67, and 67(I) of the Information Technology Act.
Vinayak Gaikwad, Senior Police Inspector at Shantinagar Police Station, said, “We received a complaint from the complainant and filed an FIR against the accused. During the investigation, it was revealed that Shaikh created a duplicate Instagram account in her name and uploaded fake nude and obscene photos and videos. After the relationship ended, he took this drastic step to malign her image by defaming her.”