Israel Army: The Israeli army is facing a severe shortage of soldiers during the war. Now the Israeli army has started recruiting Jews engaged in religious activities into the army. ‘We have begun our first recruitment for the ultra-Orthodox brigade ‘Hahashmonaim’,’ the IDF said. About 50 ultra-Orthodox soldiers were recruited into the army, forming the brigade’s first company.’

Ultra-Orthodox Jews are known as Haredim. The army also said that after six months of training, 100 more ultra-Orthodox would be made part of the brigade’s first reserve company. This is a special step taken by the Israeli government to meet the needs of the war and to integrate the ultra-Orthodox community into the army.’



Who are the Haredim of Israel?

Ultra-Orthodox Jews are called Haredim in Hebrew. It is the most observant sect of Judaism, secluding itself from society for prayer and worship. They have a distinctive dress, with women wearing long, plain dresses and head coverings, and men wearing black suits or overcoats and large hats. The community was exempted from mandatory military conscription under Israeli law. It is called ‘Torato Umanuto’, which means, ‘The study of religion is its work.’

Legal exemptions were abolished after the war

Legal exemptions for Haredim were abolished in July last year. After this there were protests across the country.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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