A disturbing video has surfaced online from Uttar Pradesh’s Jhansi, showing two men dragging a lifeless human body outside a post-mortem house. This incident, which highlights a lack of sensitivity towards human mortal remains, comes just days after another video showed a man manhandling a body outside a hospital in the city.
Such consecutive incidents raise concerns about the manner in which corpses are handled by staff at the state’s medical facilities.
According to reports, the viral video in question was recorded outside the Jhansi Post-Mortem House. However, it remains unknown when the incident took place.
In the 10-second-long video, two men can be seen dragging the body, with the upper half covered in cloth, as they enter the post-mortem ward. A scream-like sound can be heard in the background, as if women were screaming. The men seen dragging the body are suspected to be ambulance operators.
After the video went viral on social media, the police took cognizance of the matter and launched a probe. In a statement to the media, Circle Officer Ramvir Singh said, “The police have taken note of the viral video. Two people can be seen dragging a body. We are trying to ascertain the place and time of the video. Further action will be taken based on our investigation.”