Bollywood actress Vidya Balan was recently seen in the film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3′. Fans liked the film a lot and praised it a lot. The film also made huge earnings at the box office. At present the stars of the film are enjoying the success of this film. But meanwhile, actress Vidya Balan is in the headlines for some other issue. The actress’ team also had to give clarification regarding this.


What did Vidya Balan’s team say?

When fans trolled Vidya Balan for supporting Rohit Sharma, the actress’ team had to issue an official statement. While giving clarification, Vidya’s team said that the recent post shared by Vidya regarding Rohit Sharma has created confusion among the fans. People are saying different things about this post, but we want to tell you that this post of Vidya has been made completely on her own will.

This was not done at the behest of any PR

The team said that Vidya shared the post neither without any intention nor at the behest of any PR. The team said that Vidya Balan may not be a huge fan of sports, but she definitely admires people who know how to maintain their dignity in tough times. Questioning the reaction to any good idea is nonsense.





What is the whole matter?

The biggest thing is that recently when Rohit Sharma took a big decision in the fifth Test against Australia in Sydney and excluded himself from the playing eleven, his decision was highly appreciated. Not only fans and users but also Bollywood stars praised Rohit. Meanwhile, when Vidya Balan also shared a post about Rohit, questions were raised.





Users trolled the actress fiercely

Seeing the post of the actress, fans started trolling her. Social media users say that Vidya Balan has copied and pasted a message from Rohit Sharma’s PR team, due to which both Vidya and Rohit became the target of trolls. Now the actress’s team has clarified that there is nothing like that.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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