There has been a serious attack on TV show Crime Patrol actor Raghav Tiwari. He has lodged a complaint with the police, stating that he collided with a bike rider while crossing the road, after which he was attacked with a knife and stick. The incident happened on December 30 in Versova, Mumbai, when Raghav was crossing the road after getting out of his friend’s car.
Raghav said that as soon as he crossed the road, he collided with a bike rider. He immediately apologized, but the bike rider started abusing. Raghav said, “When I asked him why he was abusing me, he got down from his bike in anger and stabbed me twice. He kicked me in the stomach and I fell down. After this, he took out a liquor bottle and an iron rod from the trunk of his bike and used them to hit me.”
Raghav suffered serious head injuries in this attack, after which he was admitted to the hospital. A picture of him has also surfaced in which blood is seen flowing from his head.
Raghav has accused the police of not taking action. He said that after the incident, the police had also received CCTV footage, but still no action was taken. A complaint has been lodged in this matter and it is expected that the accused will be arrested soon.