Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is celebrating her 39th birthday today. On this special occasion, he is receiving many special messages along with congratulations from his fans. But the most special congratulation is from Prabhas, who while sharing a beautiful picture of Deepika wrote, “Happy Birthday to the ever talented Deepika Padukone! Wishing you happiness, success and lots of good luck!” deepika and prabhas movie Kalki Have become good friends during the shooting of.

Prabhas has praised Deepika many times. Kalki He took special care of pregnant Deepika during the release of. Deepika played the role of Sumati in this film, while Prabhas played the role of Bhairav. More details about both their characters will be seen in the second part of the film.

On the work front, Deepika was recently seen in the film singham again Was seen in, but her character Shakti Shetty was not liked much. Before this, her film with Hrithik Roshan came fighter The film received a good response from fans and the film was a hit at the box office as well. Now his upcoming projects are awaited.

According to reports, Deepika will do a film with Amitabh Bachchan. The Intern Can be seen in, which is a remake of a Hollywood film. Earlier this film was to be made with Rishi Kapoor, but after his death, Amitabh’s name came up. Apart from this, Deepika Brahmastra 2 Can also be seen in the role of Amrita.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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