he Mumbra Police on Friday booked three individuals and seven to eight unknown persons in connection with a heated argument involving a 21-year-old youth, following a language-related conflict in Mumbra on Thursday afternoon. A complaint was filed by Vishal Gawli, 21, a resident of Daighar.
A case was lodged under sections 196, 35, 353(2), 351(2), 351(3), 352, 127(2) of the Indian Penal Code against Shoeb Qureshi, Abdul Ansari, Ahmad Usmani, and others.
However, on Thursday, the Mumbra Police had booked an NC (Non-Cognizable) against the 21-year-old youth. He allegedly got into a heated argument over language with a fruit vendor in the Mumbra market.
According to the police, local residents called the police about the incident, and Gawli was escorted to the police station. In a video, Gawli can be seen apologizing for the incident in front of a crowd of 20 to 25 people at the Ideal Market in Mumbra.
The police reported that around 20 to 25 people unlawfully gathered at the police station and began protesting by chanting, “Arrest the accused as we tell you,” while the NC lodging process was being initiated. This protest violated the prohibitory orders issued by the Police Commissioner of Thane City.
In response, a cross-complaint was filed against the 20 to 25 individuals who had gathered at the Mumbra police station and protested. A case has been registered against them under sections 37(3) and 135 of the Maharashtra Prohibition Act.
Viral Video of Apology
A video showing the youth, Vishal Gawli, surrounded by a mob of 20 to 25 people, apologizing for his actions concerning the language conflict, has gone viral on social media.
According to the police, Gawli was identified as a person who had gone to buy medicine and later stopped at a fruit stall. He asked the vendor about the price of the fruits in Marathi. The altercation began when the fruit vendor, unable to speak Marathi, replied in Hindi. Gawli then asked, “How many years have you been here?” The fruit vendor answered, “10 years.” Following this, Vishal made a controversial statement to the vendor, leading local residents to gather around them.