Bhojpuri song Pala Mein Laga Ke Kadi: Bhojpuri film industry superstar Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua”s song ‘Pala Mein Laga Ke Kadi’ is making waves on YouTube. The audience is very fond of Shubhi Sharma’s pairing with Nirahua in this song. The pairing of Nirahua and Amrapali Dubey is also a hit among the audience, but this time his romantic chemistry with Shubhi Sharma has caught everyone’s attention.

Song story and performance

Nirahua is famous for his excellent acting and comedy in Bhojpuri film industry. His songs and films often make a special place in the hearts of the audience. This time his song ‘Pala Mein Laga Ke Kadi’ is trending on social media and YouTube.

Shubhi Sharma’s charming style

  • In the song, Shubhi Sharma is looking stylish and bold in a pink short dress.
  • His dance moves and brilliant acting have mesmerized the audience.
  • Shubhi’s amazing performance is making the song even more special.

Great chemistry of Nirahua and Shubhi Sharma

The chemistry of Nirahua and Shubhi in the song is very romantic and attractive.

  • Intense Romance and Perfect Timing:
    The romantic style of both of them in the song is being liked very much by the audience.
  • New energy and freshness:
    His performance has brought a new energy and freshness to the song.

Music and filming of songs

‘Pala Mein Laga Ke Kadi’ has been filmed brilliantly.

  • Locations and Shots:
    Location and camera angles have been used well to enhance the romantic feel.
  • Music and Lyrics:
    The wonderful coordination between the lyrics and the music of the song makes it even more special.
  • Dance Moves:
    Shubhi Sharma’s dance moves have taken the song to a different level.

song popularity

  • Views on YouTube:
    This song has received millions of views on YouTube.
  • Viral Hit:
    The popularity of the song has also spread on social media.
  • Fans’ reactions:
    Fans have praised the chemistry, music and performance of the song.

New trend set in Bhojpuri industry

‘Pala Mein Laga Ke Kadi’ is setting a new trend in Bhojpuri music industry.

  • Pair magic:
    The romantic chemistry of Nirahua and Shubhi Sharma has made it a hit.
  • Music that makes you dance:
    The music of the song is such that it forces everyone to dance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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