Mumbai: The Wadala T T Police have arrested a 49 year old father for molesting his minor daughter. After being presented in court, the accused was sent to judicial custody. The father had been engaging in inappropriate behavior with his 16 year old daughter while she was asleep at night. The case came to light when the daughter confided in a priest about the abuse.
According to the police, the incident took place in the Wadala area on January 2, and the Wadala TT Police registered an FIR in the matter under Sections 8 and 12 of Pocso Act. Following the investigation, the police arrested the father.
A police officer informed that the accused had been married twice. After his first wife passed away, he remarried, but due to his alcoholism, the second wife left him. The accused had three children from his first marriage, including a daughter and two sons, with whom he lived. At night, the father would touch his daughter inappropriately while she was asleep. The daughter felt uncomfortable and confided in a friend. The friend took her to a priest, where the daughter explained the situation, and the priest then took them to the local police station. The case came to light, and an FIR was filed against the father.
The police have filed the FIR under relevant sections of POCSO Act. The accused father has been arrested and is currently in judicial custody. The police are continuing their investigation into the matter.