The Dahisar police have registered an FIR against Vaishali Advilkar, 48, for alleged abetment of suicide. On November 13, 2024, Advilkar’s husband, Sushil Mahamunkar, 42, allegedly took his own life. Following a complaint filed by Sushil’s father, the police registered a case against Advilkar under Section 108 (abetment of suicide) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita on January 2.
According to the FIR, the deceased, Sushil Mahamunkar, resided in Rawalpada, Dahisar East, and worked with a contractor. During his employment, he met Vaishali Advilkar, and the two fell in love and got married in December 2022. After their marriage, the couple lived in Sushil’s family home in Ganeshnagar, Dahisar East. However, tensions began to rise soon after their marriage, with frequent arguments over trivial matters.
Sushil’s father stated in the complaint that Vaishali often demanded money from her husband, and when he questioned her about her expenses, she would argue and verbally abuse him. She reportedly pressured him to sever ties with his family and frequently left their marital home to stay with her parents. Despite Sushil’s repeated attempts to bring her back home, the arguments persisted. She also allegedly forced him to consider transferring the ownership of the family house into her name.
In October 2024, following another argument, Vaishali moved to her parents’ house at Mira Road. Despite Sushil’s repeated efforts to reconcile and bring her back, she refused to return. On November 13, Sushil was alone at home when he allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself. During the police’s investigation, a notebook was recovered in which Sushil had written that he was taking his own life due to financial, mental, and physical harassment by his wife.
After the funeral rituals were completed, Sushil’s 80-year-old father, Khanderao Mahamunkar, filed a complaint against Vaishali, leading to the registration of the case by the police.