A heartbreaking story of loyalty has emerged from South Korea, where a pet dog named Pudding has been rescued after losing its entire family in the tragic Jeju Air flight 2216 crash on December 29.

The dog, who belonged to a 79-year-old man and his family, was found wandering alone in Yeonggwang village. The elderly man, celebrating his first overseas trip for his 80th birthday, was traveling with eight family members including his wife, daughters, and grandchildren when the tragedy occurred.

Local residents reported that Pudding would wait patiently outside its home, watching every passing vehicle in apparent hope of reuniting with its family. The dog’s story caught international attention after reports emerged of its faithful vigil.

Animal rights organisation Care intervened on December 31 after receiving multiple reports from concerned citizens. Rescuers found Pudding “sitting quietly outside the village hall, as if still waiting for its family.” The organisation has taken temporary custody of the dog with the consent of surviving family members.

Care representatives report that Pudding is currently undergoing medical examination at a veterinary hospital, expressing concern after finding harmful substances in the dog’s system, including onions and chicken bones, likely consumed while wandering the village.

The Bae family’s tragic story is particularly poignant as three generations had joined the overseas celebration that was meant to mark a joyous occasion – the patriarch’s 80th birthday and his first international trip.

Instead, the journey ended in devastating loss, leaving behind only their beloved family pet.

The organisation will continue caring for Pudding until a suitable new guardian is found.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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