In Uttar Pradesh, the dispute between two parties originating from the same family is deepening. The tension is increasing between SP MLA Pallavi Patel and her brother-in-law, Yogi government minister Ashish Patel. Pallavi Patel is continuously making a series of allegations against Ashish. Recently Pallavi even called Ashish a thief and a sneak. Besides, Pallavi has also given advice to Yogi government minister OP Rajbhar.

The series of allegations and counter-allegations between Pallavi and Ashish Patel intensified when Ashish Patel insulted Pallavi by calling him “dharna master”. After this, Pallavi accused Ashish Patel of corruption and demanded the UP government to form an SIT and investigate the matter.

Taking aim at Ashish Patel, Pallavi said, “Ashish has crossed all limits of shamelessness, and now he is insulting my father by sitting under his picture.” Pallavi also said that Ashish Patel’s corruption story is nothing but shining politics in the name of Sardar Patel.

OP Rajbhar is also embroiled in this controversy. Pallavi advises him to pay attention to corruption and not interfere in his personal matters.

Pallavi Patel also said that accusing Ashish Patel that he has reached high positions through brokerage and has become the main source of corruption. Pallavi has expressed her intention to resolve the family property issue along with her four sisters, while it is incomprehensible why Ashish Patel is facing this problem.

On the first day of the new year, Pallavi Patel met Governor Anandi Ben Patel. During this, Pallavi had demanded a SIT investigation into the corruption case in the Technical Education Department.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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