Remedies for black pepper: Everyone has some problem in life. Everyone wants these problems to end soon. Problems seen in life generally include financial constraints, problems in job and business, problems in personal life. Black pepper present in the kitchen can help in eliminating such problems. Let us today tell you about some easy and effective remedies of black pepper which can cure such problems.

black pepper solution


1. If there is lack of money in your life, then take five black peppers and rotate them seven times over yourself and then throw them in the four paths of Samsan place. Throw four grains in all four directions and the fifth grain in the sky. Then come home and don’t look back.

2. For happiness and peace in the house, take eight black peppercorns and keep them in a corner of the house and burn them. By doing this the evil eye from the house will go away.


3. To get rid of Shanidosh, take seven black peppers and some coins and tie them in a black cloth. Keep this cloth in Shani temple. By doing this Shani Dosha gets reduced.

4.If someone is suffering from any disease then apply black pepper on Shivalinga. Doing this remedy on Mahashivratri or monthly Shivratri is beneficial.

5. If you have trouble at work, keep black pepper under your pillow. This can remove problems in career.


6. Burn black pepper with camphor for happiness. Doing this will bring progress in the house.

7. If someone is facing the evil eye, then take seven black peppercorns, drop them on the person affected by the evil eye seven times and burn them.

8. Make a bundle to maintain the increase in wealth in the home treasury. Place seven black peppercorns and a one rupee coin in it. By keeping this item in the safe, the safe will always be full.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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