Visakhapatnam: Two naval officers had a close shave after their parachutes entangled during descent on Thursday. The incident took place during an operational demonstration at the Rama Krishna Breach in Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam during Eastern Naval Command’s Operational Demonstration rehearsal. They fell into the water.
The officers escaped unhurt. They reportedly reached the shore safely. The incident was captured on camera and soon the video went viral. In the video, it could be seen that while descending, the parachutes of the naval officers got entangled.
The officers could not control their descent and they fell into the water near the Rama Krishna beach.
Here’s The Video:
Two officers were rescued by a naval boat, which was close to the spot, reported NDTV. Several people were witnessing the operation rehearsal.
Vice Admiral Rajesh Pendharkar, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command, will host the event. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu is the Chief Guest of the operational demonstration of the Indian Navy which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 4.
The event will showcase the Indian Navy’s cutting-edge capabilities through a series of neatly choreographed activities. The operation demonstration will witness the participation of the Marine Commandos (MARCOS), aircraft, warships, submarines and Naval Band, reported the media house.MARCOS will showcase combat-free fall.
The event would also feature a Horn Pipe Dance by the Sea Cadets Corps from Visakhapatnam. There will also be the Beating Retreat Ceremony by the ENC band at the end.