Navi Mumbai: In December, the Koparkhairane Traffic Branch conducted a special campaign targeting drivers violating traffic rules, taking action against 2,946 vehicles. A fine of Rs.28,99,650 was imposed, out of which Rs.2,21,000 has been collected.

To create awareness among citizens about adhering to traffic rules, the Koparkhairane Traffic Branch regularly conducts various initiatives.

As part of these efforts, a special campaign was conducted in December under the guidance of Deputy Commissioner of Traffic Police Tirupati Kakade.

During this campaign, students from schools and colleges in the Koparkhairane area were educated about traffic rules and the consequences of violating them. Their parents were also urged to ensure adherence to these rules.

Traffic police also visited auto-rickshaw stands in Koparkhairane and Ghansoli areas to hold meetings with rickshaw union drivers and owners.

Awareness sessions were also conducted for NMMT bus drivers and conductors about traffic rules. Additionally, traffic officers at signal points worked on regulating traffic while raising public awareness about traffic regulations.

After a month-long awareness drive, action was taken against 2,946 vehicles for violating rules, and fines amounting to Rs.28,99,650 were imposed. Of this, Rs.2,79,150 was collected.

“The maximum number of violators found were of riding without helmet, talking on mobile while riding a two wheeler and handling mobile while driving a four wheeler and signal jumping,” Assistant Police Inspector Vishwas Bhingardive from Koparkhairane traffic police unit, said.

Over the past year, the Koparkhairane Traffic unit alone has apprehended more than 100 drunk drivers, presented them in court, and imposed fines.

Their driving licenses were also revoked. “Citizens are urged to follow traffic rules to avoid fines and save lives of themselves and others,” Bhingardive said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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