Armaan Malik Aashna Shroff’s wedding: Playback singer Armaan Malik tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend Aashna Shroff today. Singer has shared some pictures of his wedding on his social media account. Which is going viral rapidly. Armaan has surprised his fans in the beginning of the year itself. Recently, while sharing wedding photos, he wrote, ‘You are my home.’ Armaan Malik looks absolutely dashing in baby pink sherwani. Also, Aashna is looking very beautiful as a bride in a red dress. Fans are also wishing Armaan Malik.

Fans gave good wishes on these pictures

One user wrote, ‘What a way to surprise.’ Another user wrote, ‘Today has become a big day for us. Best wishes to both. These are very beautiful pictures. Another user wrote, ‘When Armaan has shown the wedding pictures, I suddenly cannot believe that he has got married.’



Armaan is famous for these songs

Armaan Malik proposed to Aashna Shroff in August 2023. Later, Armaan also released a music video for Aashna named ‘Kasam Se – The Proposal’. After about two months, both of them got officially engaged, pictures of which they also shared with their fans.

Singer Armaan Malik is popular for songs like ‘Wajah Tum Ho’, ‘Bol Do Na Zara’ and ‘Butta Bamma’. Armaan has previously worked with British singer Ed Sheeran on a new version of his song 2 Step.

What does Aashna Shroff do?

Aashna Shroff is a fashion and beauty blogger and YouTuber. She was named Cosmopolitan Luxury Fashion Influencer of the Year 2023.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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