Football, known as “the beautiful game” has made great progress in India, Gujarat has also performed well in the field of football in the last few years. Gujarat State Football Association (GSFA), Sports Authority of Gujarat (SAG), All India Football Federation (AIFF), private clubs, district football associations and corporate companies and private entrepreneurs have contributed greatly to the development of football in Gujarat.


Find out which teams participated

One of the main reasons for the growth of football in Gujarat is the emphasis placed on the grassroots level in the state. The GSFA has played a significant role in promoting football at youth level, particularly through the Blue Cubs programme. The recently concluded Blue Cubs Club Championship was held at the St. Loyola Football Ground, Ahmedabad, in which 23 teams participated, including 7 teams from different district football associations of the state.

Good platform for new players

388 teams from 23 district associations participated in the State Blue Cub League organized by GSFA in 2023-24. The league was for under eight, ten under and twelve age groups. Its matches were played at 33 different venues and more than 4,200 child players participated. The league was played under the guidance of 313 coaches and 178 managing representatives. Thus GSFA also provides a platform to groom new players.

An important step to promote professional football

To professionalize football in Gujarat, the GSFA launched the Gujarat Super League (GSL), which began in May 2024. The league consisted of six teams owned by young businessmen from Gujarat, and each team played five matches in a single-leg format. The establishment of this professional football league is an important step to promote professional football in Gujarat. The GSFA plans to further expand, expand and strengthen the league in the coming years. The GSFA organizes club championships across various age groups for men and women, with the aim of developing club football culture through such events. The response from football clubs and academies in the state has been very good.

Football can be taken to new heights: Parimal Nathwani

The growth of football in Gujarat is a matter of concern, but it still faces cricket’s dominance as India’s main sport. From time to time, it is important to focus on a strong football ecosystem in Gujarat. For this, there is a need to organize national and international level leagues in the state, improvement in the quality of coaching, formation of players, associations, clubs etc. and financial and other incentives. By strengthening partnerships with international football organizations and inviting global experts to Gujarat, football in the state can be taken to new heights.

The future of football in Gujarat is very bright: Parimal Nathwani

Despite many challenges, the future of football in Gujarat is very bright. The priorities and initiatives at the grassroots level, professional leagues and player development programs have laid a strong foundation for the future of football in the state. Currently, the GSFA has over 10,000 registered players under the Centralized Registration System (CRS) of the AIFF, of which 5,195 players are active. Over 4,290 players played over 553 matches and scored over 3,255 goals in the 2023–24 season. These figures show the increasing interest and attraction towards football in Gujarat.

As Gujarat leads in other areas, it also has the potential to become the football hub of India, as the game continues to grow, the state will create a bright future for the new generation of players, fans and supporters.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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