The film career of Rajiv Kapoor, who became popular with his film ‘Ram Teri Ganga Maili’, did not live up to expectations. He was the younger brother of late actors Rishi Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor. He died of a heart attack at the age of 58. Rajiv Kapoor’s close friend and actress Khushboo Sundar recently talked about her life’s struggles and her addiction to alcohol.

Alcohol addiction spoiled health

Khushboo Sundar revealed that Rajiv Kapoor had heart problems, but his alcohol addiction worsened his health.

  • “Rajiv’s alcohol addiction was his biggest problem.
  • “We tried our best to break him of this habit, but could not succeed.”

physical problems:

  • Rajiv had become very weak due to alcohol addiction.
  • Due to knee problems, he had to undergo several surgeries, but there was not much benefit.
  • Khushboo said, “We knew that Rajeev was not well.”

Rajiv’s last conversation

Rajiv Kapoor had a conversation with Khushboo Sundar a day before his death.

  • He said, “I had spoken to Chimpu (Rajeev) a day before his death. He had high fever.
  • It was the time of the Covid pandemic, and he took his health lightly.
  • “He promised to meet me soon, but the news of his death came the very next day.”

News and shock of death

Khushboo told that when Rajiv Kapoor died, she was in Mumbai.

  • “I was called by Boney Kapoor and told about this sad news. It was a big shock for me.”

Rajiv Kapoor’s film career

Rajiv Kapoor worked in many films, but his recognition was limited to only a few films.

Major Movies:

  • ‘Oh Lord Ram, Your River Ganga has become dirty’
  • ‘We are one soul’
  • ‘Lava’
  • ‘Lover Boy’
  • ‘Let us go abroad’
  • ‘Naag Naagin’
  • ‘Tulsidas Junior’

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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