Mumbai: The Goregaon police have arrested a servant for allegedly stealing diamonds worth Rs.1.47 crore from his employer’s jewellery shop in Goregaon West. The accused travelled through multiple cities and used 13 different vehicles to evade capture.

However, the police eventually apprehended him in Gadi village, Rajasthan, and recovered 96 percent of the stolen diamonds. The accused has been identified as Sachin Makwana, 40. He was arrested on December 22, after which the court remanded him to judicial custody.

The theft occurred on December 10, between 10.15 a.m. and 10.20 a.m., at a jewellery shop located in Goregaon West. The Goregaon police registered a case under Section 306 (theft by servant) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita based on a complaint filed by Kiran Rokani.

Makwana allegedly stole diamonds weighing 491.78 carats, valued at Rs 1.47 crore, from the complainant’s shop. As part of the investigation, the police team reviewed footage from over 120 CCTV cameras spanning areas from Goregaon to Gujarat.

They discovered that the accused had changed vehicles 13 times to avoid being tracked. Makwana initially fled to his native village, Ider, in Gujarat, before escaping to Rajasthan.

The police tracked his movements using his mobile location and call data records. During their investigation, they found that Makwana’s mobile number was being used by a friend.

After tracing the friend to Ider, the police learned that Makwana had traveled to Rajasthan with him. By monitoring the movements associated with the mobile number, the police located the accused near the Gadi police station in Rajasthan.

Makwana is reported to have passed through cities such as Surat, Ahmedabad, and Palanpur before being apprehended. He was finally arrested in Gadi, Rajasthan, where the police seized cash amounting to Rs 77,000 and diamonds valued at Rs 1.40 crore.Makwana hails from Gujarat and resides in Bhayandar West.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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