Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The police have registered an FIR against a man for disgracing the corpse of his wife. The man was found consuming liquor at his house while his wife’s body was lying outside on the road uncovered.
Itkhedi police station incharge Durjan Singh Barkade said the body of Kajal Ahirwar (39) was found lying on the road close to her house on November 6. The body was bitten by rats and was sent for autopsy.
Police reached Kajal’s home where her husband Vijay Ahirwar, a labourer, was consuming liquor. Post-mortem report confirmed that the woman died of natural causes.
However, an investigation revealed that Vijay Ahirwar drove his wife Kajal out of the house. Though he learnt that Kajal had died, he did not bother to bring the body home and make arrangements for last rites. Rats had bitten the body at some places as it was lying uncovered for several hours before police reached the spot. Circumstances indicated that Vijay deliberately showed disrespect to the body, which is an offence, the TI added.