A dangerous conspiracy to crash the Secunderabad-Pune Express train was exposed in time. Due to the alertness of the train’s loco pilot, a possible accident was averted due to a 4 kg gas cylinder kept on the railway track near Uruli Kanchan on Sunday night. The incident occurred around 10:45 pm, when the train was changing tracks.
Accident averted due to alertness of loco pilot
Loco pilot R. T. Vani and train manager Ketan Ratnani saw a gas cylinder on the railway track. He immediately applied emergency brakes and saved the train from hitting the cylinder.
- immediate action:
The incident was informed to the station master, after which the Railway Protection Force (RPF), Government Railway Police (GRP), and local police reached the spot.
Police registered the case
Uruli Kanchan police have registered a case against unknown persons in connection with the incident.
- Blame:
Mischief with intent to cause damage to railway track and make train travel unsafe. - Police statement:
Uruli Kanchan police inspector Shankar Patil said:“We believe the cylinder was deliberately placed just before the train passed. The cylinder was completely filled with gas.”
Investigation and inquiry continue
- Looking for source:
Police are trying to trace the source of the cylinder. - Inquiry from local residents:
Local people are being interrogated to gather more information about the incident. - Complainant:
RPF employee Sharad Walke (38) lodged a complaint with the police.
seriousness of the matter
This incident points to a serious threat to the safety of railways and passengers. Police believe that the intention of the person keeping the cylinder was to cause harm to the train and the passengers traveling in it.