Bhopal/Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Ujjain police have apprehended members of the ‘Radhe Radhe Gang’ in Rs 18 lakh robbery at a liquor company office in Ujjain on Monday. Investigation revealed the crime was reportedly orchestrated by a former employee of the company in collaboration with the Gwalior-based gang on Sunday.

The robbery occurred at the Shiva Baba Liquor Company office in Prakash Nagar on Monday, where daily cash was kept. The robbery was captured on CCTV, which was used in apprehending the gang. During the operation, ₹11 lakh in cash, a firearm, and a knife were recovered. The leader of the gang remains at large, and a manhunt has been launched.

According to information, on Wednesday morning, five armed assailants arrived on two sports bikes and looted ₹18 lakh from three employees present at the Shiva Baba Liquor Company office in the city. The robbers also took the office’s CCTV DVR to erase evidence. Fortunately, the CCTV footage had been backing up at the local server, which was recovered by the police.

Police, using CCTV footage, identified Kaushal Gurjar from Gwalior as the mastermind. Further investigation revealed his involvement with gang members Akash Jatav, Rahul, Sunny, and Rohit Sharma. The gang planned to flee to Gwalior, but a police barricade intercepted them. Four gang members were injured while trying to escape and were subsequently arrested.

Gang leader remains at large

Kaushal Gurjar, the gang leader, remains at large. He had been dismissed from the company two months ago due to his criminal history, which includes five cases in Gwalior. Kaushal had insider knowledge of the cash storage and orchestrated the heist. A ₹30,000 reward has been announced for his capture. Police have launched a manhunt.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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