Drunk woman hits cab driver, claims he drove her to wrong place in viral video | X/ghar ke kalesh
A video of a drunk woman assaulting a cab driver, reportedly associated with Uber in Dubai, has surfaced online. The footage was uploaded online suggesting the woman hit the driver after she believed he took her to a location different from the address she entered while booking the cab service.
In the video, the woman who appeared drunk and agitated claimed that the driver took her to a wrong location, despite the driver repeatedly saying that he drove to the location registered by her. The visuals showed the woman angrily charging violence at the man.
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Female passenger hits cab driver, claims he drove her to wrong place
The driver kept asking her to stop hitting him. “Don’t touch. Don’t touch me, ma’am”, he was heard saying in the video. While recording the incident on camera, he clarified to the female passenger that he had brought her to the location she had booked the cab for, but the lady claimed he drove her to a wrong place. “Why are you making that much price. Take (me to) my place”, the intoxicated woman said. She also screamed saying, “This not my place here. You stupid”.
“This is your place, ma’am”, repeatedly says driver
The video recorded the interaction between the two people, where the woman denied to get off the vehicle and the driver repeatedly pointed out that they had arrived at the destination. “This is your place, ma’am. Your location finish here”, the driver said while noting that the cab was halted at Street 4.
Exact details unclear
At the end of the video, the driver simply walked out. It is unclear what happened next.
There are no news media reports or police statements addressing this viral video. The truth is unknown as of December 31 whether the woman was drunk and unable to recognise the address, or if the cab driver had brought her to the wrong place.