Ram Charan, who became famous with the film ‘RRR’, has launched his new film ‘Game Changer’. Will be released on 10th January. For his promotion, his fans have made a 256 feet tall cutout of Ram Charan in Vijayawada. It is being said that this is the tallest cutout made for any hero in India.

Earlier, when Prabhas’ film ‘Salaar’ was about to be released, a 230 feet long cutout was made on his birthday. A 236 feet tall cutout of ‘KGF’ hero Yash has already been made. A 215 feet cutout of Surya, another star of the South, was made.

Kiara Advani is Ram Charan’s heroine in the film ‘Game Changer’ directed by Shankar.

A few days ago, while sharing a video of the shoot of a song of the film, Kiara had praised dance director Jani Master, who is involved in a rap case, seeing which the fans got angry at her. Later Kiara had to edit her social media post.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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