In a tragic incident, an assistant sub-inspector of RAF slipped between a moving train and a platform at Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh Railway Station and lost his life during treatment at JN Medical College.  

A terrifying video of the incident has surfaced on social media. 

Watch the video here: 

As per reports, after the post-mortem, the police handed over the man’s body to the RAF. It was later sent to the deceased inspector’s home in Bihar with full respect. 

The deceased identified as ASI Binda Rai, posted in the 104th Battalion of Aligarh, was a Sainik Colony Danapur Road resident in the Patna district of Bihar. He was going to his home in Bihar on leave. He reached Aligarh station on Sunday night to go to Bihar and had a reservation in the AC coach.

He had boarded the coach first, but got down to talk on the mobile. Meanwhile, the train had started moving and while boarding the train, his foot slipped. He was dragged for a long distance between the Kamakhya Express and the platform. People stopped the train by pulling the chain and took him to the hospital.

Rai was immediately admitted to the JN Medical College where he died during treatment late at night.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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