BJP may get a new national president in January or February of the new year 2025. Along with this, the state presidents of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, UP, Gujarat, Bengal, Jammu-Kashmir and Jharkhand will also be changed by January 15. Know, how BJP President is selected, what is the responsibility?


Preparations have started for reshuffle at the organizational level in BJP. BJP may get a new national president in January or February of the new year 2025. Before this, according to the party’s constitution, BJP has to complete organizational elections in at least 50 percent of the states. With this, there will be a change in the state presidents of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, UP, Gujarat, Bengal, Jammu-Kashmir and Jharkhand by January 15. Let us know how the BJP President is elected and what are his responsibilities?

The entire organization of BJP is divided into seven parts. In which division has been done from national level to local level. At the national level there is a National Council and a National Executive. Similarly, at the state level there is a State Council and a State Executive. Apart from these, there are also regional committees, district and divisional committees. There are villages and urban centres. A local committee is formed for a population of less than five thousand.

This is how the national president is elected

BJP’s national convention was held in Delhi on 18 February 2024. In which the proposal for the appointment of the National President was passed. According to this, the parliamentary board can appoint the party president if the post becomes vacant. Apart from this, some rules have been made for the election of the National President in Article 19 of the Party Constitution. According to this, the members of the National Council and State Council of the party elect the National President. This election has been held according to the rules made by the National Executive of the party.

responsibility to prepare the organization

Under Article 20 of the party constitution, the National Executive may consist of a Chairman and a maximum of 120 members. At least 40 of them are women and 12 are members of the Scheduled Caste/Tribe. It is the responsibility of the National President to nominate all of them. In addition, the President appoints from among the members of the National Executive up to 13 Vice-Presidents, nine General Secretaries, one Secretary General (Organisation), 15 Ministers and one Treasurer. At least 13 of these officers have been selected as women. The President selects at least three officials from each category of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Right to appoint Union Minister

To become a member of the executive, it is necessary that the concerned officer must have been an active member of the party at least three times. However, in special circumstances, the National President can exempt a maximum of 15 members from this condition. The National President may also appoint Ministers of the Association to assist the General Secretary of the Association if necessary. Apart from this, regional presidents can also be allowed to make such appointments. When necessary, the National President of BJP also appoints regional Union Ministers for the organization work of two or more states. Apart from this, the Principal Chief is allowed to appoint departmental or departmental organization ministers for two or more districts at the state level.

presided over the party’s plenary session

According to the rules, the National President has to include 25 percent new members in his working committee. The National Executive consists not only of permanent invitee ex-officio members, but also of special invitee members, whose number cannot exceed 30 percent. The BJP President is the supreme leader of the party and presides over the Plenary Session of the party. The challenge of keeping the party united lies on the shoulders of the National President. Therefore, generally a President who is universally accepted is elected. Till now all the presidents of BJP have been elected unopposed.

The party president plays an important role in the selection of party candidates during elections. According to the news coming from various levels of the organization, as per the party policy, party candidates are announced only with the consent of the President. The responsibility of strengthening the party organization in their respective states rests on the shoulders of the state presidents of the party. They also play an important role in forming organizations at the state level and selecting candidates for assembly and local elections.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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