Legendary singer Asha Bhosle sent netizens into a tizzy after videos of her performance in Dubai on Sunday went viral online. The 91-year-old singer sang Karan Aujla’s hit number, Tauba Tauba, at the Dubai concert, and if that wasn’t surprising enough, she also performed the viral hook step of the song, originally done by Vicky Kaushal in the film, Bad Newz.

Videos of Asha’s performance have now gone viral on the internet in which she can be seen singing for a crowd of thousands in Dubai on Sunday. In the middle of the concert, she took everyone by surprise as she began singing Tauba Tauba. And as the audience cheered for her, she stepped aside and shook a leg as well, nailing the hook step of the song, which was all over when it first released.

As the videos went viral, netizens couldn’t believe that she was performing on the song at the age of 91. “HOW cute is this! Cannot believe she is 91 & killing it with the singing & dance moves,” a user commented on Instagram, while another wrote, “Such a beautiful lady, a legend and doing so great. @karanaujla I’m sure would be surprised so hear her singing this.”

The video was also shared by the choreographer of the song, Bosco Martis, on Instagram. Later, Karan Aujla too shared the video on his social media and wrote, “@asha.bhosle ji, the living Goddess of music, Just performed tauba tauba… a song written by a kid who grew up in a small village, with no music background and no knowledge of music instruments. A melody made by someone who doesn’t play any instrument (sic).”

He went on to say, “This song has received a lot of love and recognition amongst not only fans but also music artists, but this moment is truly iconic and one I will never forget. I am truly blessed and thankful. This has really inspired me to keep giving you all such melodies and create more memories together (sic).”

“I wrote it at 27. She sang it at 91 better than me,” he added.

Meanwhile, along with Asha Bhosle, Sonu Nigam too performed at the concert in Dubai and enthralled the audience with his songs.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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