Bad news keeps coming from the entertainment world. A few days ago, veteran Bollywood filmmaker Shyam Benegal said goodbye to the world. Now there is news of the death of another famous director. His name is Charles Schreiber, a name that has made a unique place for itself in the Hollywood industry. Baby Boom creator and Oscar-winning filmmaker Charles Shire has died at the age of 83. The entire industry is in mourning due to his demise.


When did Charles Schreiber die?

Famous filmmaker Charles Schreiber passed away last Friday i.e. 27 December 2024. Schreiber died in Los Angeles. The sad news was confirmed by Schreiber’s daughter and filmmaker Haley Meyers-Schreiber at an Associated Press conference on Sunday. However, the cause of death has not been revealed yet.

Shreyar got recognition from romantic and comedy films

Charles Schreiber got the recognition he deserved in Hollywood. His father’s name was Melville Shire, who left an indelible mark on comedy in the 1980s and 1990s, especially comedies based on romantic themes. He also received an Oscar Award for his excellent work.

Started career as a writer

Charles Schreiber was born in Los Angeles in 1941. He began his career as a writer for television. He also assisted Garry Marshall and worked on shows like “The Odd Couple” before moving into films. He had credits in “Smokey and the Bandit,” Jack Nicholson’s “Goin’ South,” and the Walter Matthau drama “House Calls.” He had a major breakthrough with the Goldie Hawn comedy “Private Benjamin,” about a rich woman who unknowingly signs up for basic training, which he co-wrote with Meyers and Harvey Miller.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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