Mumbai: As expected in the trade circles, Varun Dhawan’s ‘Baby John’ has proved to be a flop. After its release during the Christmas holidays, its collection is decreasing day by day and in just four days it has barely crossed the Rs 20 crore mark. In many theatres, barely 10 per cent of the audience attended his shows. Therefore many theater managers have started canceling the shows of this film. Some have started shows of ‘Pushpa 2’ in its place while some have started shows of Malayalam film ‘Marcos’ dubbed in Hindi.

The first day collection of ‘Baby John’ was 12 crores. But, after that it did not get viewers even during weekend holidays. As the trade fraternity had already predicted, Varun Dhawan has mostly been a flopper, so there is no doubt that he can pull off a film as a solo hero at the box office. He gets films only because he is a nepokid, otherwise he is a complete commercial flop. The trade community also regretted that a talented actress like Vamika Gabbi was wasted in the film.

Trade sources said that ‘Baby John’ has been accepted by most of the single screen theaters in Central India. Since these theater managers do not even have the daily operating costs of running this film, they have removed this film.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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