Shark Tank India judge Aman Gupta: Film stars often promote certain things. But recently, ‘Shark Tank India’ judge Aman Gupta gave a statement against an actor without taking his name. He not only accused the actor of pretending to be polite but also said that people will soon understand the reality of this actor.
Co-founder of ‘Bot’ company
And Chief Marketing Officer Aman Gupta has revealed this. Aman has been a judge in the reality show ‘Shark Tank India’. Recently he appeared on the podcast of fellow judge Anupam Mittal of the same show. Its new season is starting from 6 January 2025. In such a situation, while talking on this show, Aman Gupta exposed the famous Bollywood actor. He said, ‘An actor worked with us. He has been our brand ambassador. He is a very egoistic person. I have always heard and read only good things about him in the news.
Apart from what they show…
Aman Gupta said, ‘People write about him that he is sweet, nice and kind. As long as the Pope and the fans appreciate his behavior. It is also said that he travels in economy class. But when he worked with us his behavior was completely different. After working with him, I came to know that people have become experts in pretending to be polite.
Netizens are guessing?
After this statement of Aman Gupta, there has been an uproar on social media. Reddit users are also constantly guessing the name of the star. After which two names are being discussed the most on social media, in which the names of Kartik Aryan and Diljit Dosanjh are coming the most. Both these boats have been brand ambassadors. Kartik Aryan became the first brand ambassador of Boat in the year 2018. After this, Diljit Dosanjh in the year 2020. However, out of these two names, most people are taking the name of Karthik Aryan on social media. Who is the celebrity Aman Gupta is talking about, please share your opinion by commenting.